Grupo Tutto Piccolo

Mercedes Molto Alcoy woman of the year

Mercedes Molto Alcoy woman of the year

Mercedes Molto Alcoy woman of the year

Mercedes Molto, Tutto Piccolo Group’s founder will receive on March 9th the prize Dona de l’any 2010, which is the recognition of her entire profesional career, also for beeing a fightter and enterprising woman, along with she has helped to spread the name of Alcoy worldwide.

She dropped out of school at age of 19, when she married Desiderio Mataix, a textile businessman. When Mataix SA closed, the marriage had to cope with their new future. She sold Thermomix and he began to think of new business. After extended meditation Merche noticed a new market idea: “Women really enjoy Child tracksuits”. She designed three models of them with notions of pattern, which she has learned in school and was to submit to a shopping center in Valencia, who rejected them. One boutique from Valencia was the first one that made them a request and from there, they went to Bilbao, where they received an order for three hundred tracksuits by size.

“It was in 1978 when Tutto Piccolo began to take its first steps” recalls Merche Molto, who handled the design and pattern as her husband assumed the management of the firm. The company name was decided by her. It recalls that in those days “Italians products prevailed” that was the reason why she decided Italian language language for the company, which later joined the brand Cri-Cri; and later designs Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Baby.

Seven women representing the plurality of Alcoy were the jury. They are chosen by the newspaper Ciudad to become this year’s jury that has to choose the Premi `Dona of 2010 prize.

Merche Moltó will receive the award in the event of Ciudad on March 9th at the Teatro Calderón; the award has been designed by Daniel Rodriguez, the winner of a competition held among students of the Escola d’Art this unique design is turned into a statue of wood, by hand, by German Payà Peidro.